"Un monde à penser" is a
press and communication agency which is concerned
with educational problems in the world. Our surveys
in universities worldwide have three different
aims :
- to develop a website dedicated to univeristy
education in the world,
- to write a guide and newspaper articles
on university education and more generally on
higher education systems
- to publish a series of cultural reports
written by profressional journalists or French
To promote the foreign cultures on the campuses
and to put in touch teachers and students coming
from different regions of the world are at the
heart of our project.
From Los Angeles to Abidjan, we wish our surveys
to take into account the diversity of working
conditions in educational establishments. The
trips started in February 2002 and, for this year,
they will lead us in 20 countries located on 4
Three young journalists founded the agency
but more than fifty persons have already been
involved in the project.
Our project is mediatized and promoted in
priority in four Parisian grandes écoles,
namely : HEC, ESSEC, ESCP-EAP and Sciences Po.
Our means of communication are :
- Our website
- Various newspapers : Grandes
Ecoles Magazine, L'ESCP Magazine,
Lesinrocks.com, Phosphore...
- Conferences
- A launching party at the
- An exhibition of photographies
: " Children of Maghreb "
A few partners have already joined "Un
monde à penser" : Unilog Management;
the ESCP-EAP; The French Alliance; La Maison des
cultures du monde ; L'ESCP Magazine; the
students' associations of HEC, ESSEC, ESCP-EAP
and Sciences Po; L'enfant@l'hôpital; Edufrance...
